Transmitir aos alunos os princípios e conceitos gerais em Virologia Vegetal.
A disciplina Virologia Vegetal compreende aspectos da virologia clássica bem como da virologia de plantas moderna. Os alunos serão introduzidos à história da fitovirologia mundial e brasileira, taxonômia de vírus de plantas, sintomatologia, diagnóstico e controle de fitoviroses. A disciplina deverá abordar também aspectos da organização dos genomas de vírus de plantas, replicação, funções e mecanismos de regulação do genoma viral, mecanismos moleculares das interações vírus-vetor e vírus-planta e as estratégias moleculares de controle de fitoviroses.
Astier, S., Albouy, J., Maury, Y., Robaglia, C., Lecoq, H. Principles of Plant Virology: Genome, Pathogenicity, Virus Ecology. Science Publisher, USA, 2007. 472 p.
Bos, L. Plant viruses, unique and intriguing pathogens. Backhuys Publishers Leiden, The Netherlands 1999. 358 p.
Crowther, J.R. ELISA, Theory and Practice. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 42. 1995, 223p.
Dijkstra, J. & de Jager, C.P. Practical Plant Virology: Protocol and Exercises. Springer Lab Manual. 1998. 459p.
Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, V., Ball, L.A. 2005. Virus Taxonomy: Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses. Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego.
Fields, B.N., Knipe, D.M. & Howley, P.M.(eds.) Fundamental Virology. 3rd ed. Lippicott-Raven. Philadelphia 1996. 1340p.
Foster, G.D. & Taylor, S.C. (Eds.) Plant Virology Protocols – From Virus Isolation to Transgenic Resistance. Humana Press, New Jersey. 1998. 571p.
Hadidi, A., Khetarpal, R.K. & Koganezawa, H. (Eds.). Plant Virus Disease Control. APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. 1998. 684p.
Hampton, R., Ball, E. & De Boer, S. (Eds.). Serological Methods for Detection and Identification of Viral and Bacterial Plant Pathogens – A Laboratory Manual. APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. 1990. 389p.
Hill, S.A. Methods in Plant Virology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 1984. 167p.
Hull, R. Matthews’ Plant Virology. Academic Press, New York. 2002. 1001p.
Hull, R. Plant Virology, Fifth Edition, 2014. 1104p.
Khan, J.A. & Dijkstra, J. Plant Viruses as Molecular Pathogens. Food Products Press, New York, 2002. 537 p.
Khan, J.A. & Dijkstra, J. Handbook of Plant Virology. Food Products Press, London, 2006. 452p.
Kurstak, E. (Ed.). Handbook of Plant Virus Infection – Comparative Diagnosis. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press. New York. 1981. 943p.
Matthews, R.E.F. Fundamentals of Plant Virology. Academic Press, New York. 1992. 403p.
Matthews, R.E.F. Plant Virology. Academic Press, New York. 1991. 835p.
Matthews, R.E.F.(ed.). Diagnosis of Plant Virus Diseases. CRC Press, London. 1993. 374p.
McLean, G.D., Garrett, R.G. & Ruesink, W.G. (Eds.). Plant Virus Epidemics. Academic Press, Australia. 1986. 550p.
Noordam, D. Identification of Plant Viruses – Methods & Experiments. Center for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen. 1973. 207p.
Semancik, J.S. Viroids and Viroid-like Pathogens. CRC Press, Florida. 1987. 177p.
Sutic, D.D., Ford, R.E. & Tosic, M.T. Handbook of Plant Virus Diseases. CRC Press, Florida 1999. 553p.
Teri, S. Understanding Viruses. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 2008, 639p.
Van Regenmortel, M.H.V. Serology and Immunochemistry of Plant Viruses. Academic Press. 1982. 302p